Healthcare innovation

Eli Levin, economic affairs and innovation, consulate general of Israel to New England
By  Jessica Hagen 01:13 pm October 27, 2023
Israel has long been a hub for healthcare innovation. Since the war began in early October, many of the country's high-skilled tech workers have been recruited by the military. The startup landscape has changed, and companies are struggling to retain the traction they once had in furthering their innovations and garnering investment, says Eli Levin, who works on economic affairs and innovation...
Healthcare worker in a video conference
By  Dave Muoio 03:00 pm January 15, 2021
For all of the weight healthcare disruptors throw behind the idea of innovation, there's something to be said about moving too fast and breaking too many things. Adoption of new digital tools should never lead to an interruption in patients' care. COVID-19, however, wasn't the type of disruption that health systems had on their calendars. A shift away from in-person visits and a skyrocketing...
Panelists at Accelerate Health discussed this week what the pandemic taught them, how they’re adjusting for the road ahead and ways to make the changes last.
By  Mallory Hackett 12:23 pm January 15, 2021
Now that 2020 has come to a close, many are taking time to reflect on the lessons learned from the challenging past year to create a new perspective going into the future. The healthcare industry is no different, and several leaders in the space sat down this week at an Accelerate Health virtual panel to discuss what the pandemic taught them, how they’re adjusting for the road ahead and ways to...
healthcare innocation
By  Tammy Lovell 05:41 am January 11, 2021
Record levels of capital were allocated and deployed to support innovative companies in the healthcare industry in 2020, according to a report by Silicon Valley Bank (SVB). The Healthcare Investments and Exits Annual Report provides an overview of trends and data covering venture fundraising and deal flow in the life sciences sector globally.  It found that investment in Europe sky-rocketed in...
By  Jonah Comstock 01:54 pm May 1, 2019
This Friday, around 500 engineers, clinicians and other innovators will descend on the MIT Media Lab for Grand Hack, the flagship event of MIT’s Hacking Medicine. “Grand Hack is unique because we’ll get applicants from all over the world,” Kriti Subramanyam, one of three co-directors of Hacking Medicine, told MobiHealthNews. “Last year we had applicants from over 30 countries, over 29 states in...
By  Dave Muoio 04:02 pm April 22, 2019
Much like any other industry in the digital age, the healthcare sector is exploding with new technologies. Novel tools from health systems, IT vendors and startups are looking to tackle physician burnout, patient engagement, workflow efficiency, data management and other longstanding issues plaguing care. Unlike many of its contemporaries, however, healthcare’s technology platforms have been...